About Me

I am a trained computer systems engineer & Coach

I have always been passionate about people and their undiscovered potential. Understanding ways to bring out this potential led me to enroll in a number of self development programs from a very young age. The programs encompassed several meditation retreats, Neurolinguistic Programming certification and a training as a transformational Coach.

Naturally I have a very inquisitive mind—so as a child I would ask deeper questions about anything I read, heard or was said to me. As I come from a family of healers, I identify my abilities as way beyond what the word ‘coach’ may mean to the majority of the people.

I have several spiritual gifts, such as clairvoyance and clairaudience, which intuitively I use in my sessions with my clients. I have lived and worked with people from many different backgrounds, which on occasions have been more than challenging. These experiences have allowed me to develop a high empathic understanding of peopleʼs motives and thinking.

When we meet, you will find an insightful, loving, creative, wise, dynamic,narticulate and nurturing personality.

I am fluent in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and German.

10 interesting other facts about me

I love to cook

As a child I practiced ballet for 5 years

I am a morning person

My favorite place to be is in nature

I have lived in 6 countries

I love the taste Italians have for beauty

I only wear dresses and skirts

I strongly dislike aggressive people and bad manners

I am PMP (Project Management Professional) certified

I love to plan and organize things